Make the various reports from the zone committees easily available

Callum Spawforth submitted on

Saturday 18th February 2017


A large number of different reports, papers and minutes are available on the Union Website, usually via the search functionality. These are both interesting and useful, especially when it comes to transparency.

An example of this would be

It would be useful to have an easy way of accessing all of these in one place, as there's no easy method of acquiring them currently.

For example, I was recently looking for voter turnout in the elections for the last 4 years. While I have some of the information, the only report I've been able to find is the one above for 2016.



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 28th Apr 2017 3:41pm

Hi Callum,

Sorry about the delay in updating you on my progress on this, After speaking with our Tech Team, it seemed that this was a much bigger project that was initially thought! We have decided to move forward with this by creating an Action Plan that will detail the next steps that will be taken in order to improve things on the website.

We will be taking this issue to the next meeting of Democracy Zone, currently penned in for 10 May - the date will be confirmed closer to the time on the Union website. If you would like to come along, please let me know as you'd be very welcome!

Many thanks,

Cameron Meldrum
Vice-President Democracy and Creative Industries

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 16th Mar 2017 1:06pm

Hi Callum,

Thanks for getting in touch about this. I agree with you that having things such as these easily available is great for transparency. I will have a discussion with our Tech team soon to discuss how we can make our reports, minutes, and papers more easily accessible, and I will report back on here when I have something.


Cameron Meldrum
Vice-President Democracy and Creative Industries


  • Forwarded to Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries

    Tuesday 21st Feb 2017 4:15pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Callum Spawforth commented on

Monday 24th Apr 2017 5:18pm

Hi Cameron,

Checking in over a month down the line, is there any news on making these accessible?


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