have a boiling water dispenser or a kettle.

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 17th April 2017


For years, students of Southampton have been suffering, not having the ability to MAKE TEA - the beverage of the gods (old and the new).

Multiple people told me they want some tea or coffee, and they don't have enough funds to go to Costa. Avenue campus has it but Highfield (the biggest one) - not?

I believe we can make a difference!!!

P.S. the microwaves need cleaning.



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 28th Apr 2017 10:50am

Hi, thanks for your idea!

Firstly, I would like to express my solidarity with your passion for tea - it truly is the drink of choice for anyone with good taste.

The issue was brought to Ops and Services Advisory Forum, who regretably said that due to the risk of burning, we would be unable to provide a hot water dispenser in the Union. Some buildings have common rooms where hot water is available, and you cna also buy it (I think for 20p or so) from University catering outlets. We try to combat this by keeping our tea and coffee prices as low as possible - definitely cheaper than your high street coffee shops!  

The microwaves are cleaned regularly, but if you ever see one in a less than happy state, please email facilities@unionsouthampton.org and we'll get it sorted!

Flora, Vice-President Student Communities and Deputy President


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