Improve Jubilee gym

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 7th May 2017


For 20,000+ students there isnt enough equipment and the air conditioning is non-existant. There should be a surplus of barbells, not just one per rack, so that people can deadlift without wasting a rack. There are lots of machines that are seldom used and could be removed and repalced with racks or benches, which people actually use! It would also be nice if it was open till atleast midnight. According to Google people typically spend 45-90 mins in the gym. It is ridiculous that personal trainers can request equipment, and you have to just give it up. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 1st Jun 2017 4:12pm

Hi there,

Thank you for taking the time to submit an idea to the AGM. During voting your idea received 264 net votes from your fellow students and as such, it will be taken forward next year by the appropriate zone and made into an Action Plan.

If you would like any details about the Action Plan process or what happens after the AGM, please contact

Kind regards,

Democracy Team


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