A request for ideas submitted for the logo redesign to be released.

Lloyd Pearson submitted on

Thursday 11th May 2017


Dear SUSU (AKA. Us.),

The redesigns for the SUSU brand have left some disappointed resulting in many saying "That took them six months?!". I like many others submitted ideas during the design phase and wondered how these ideas are reflected in what many would view as the Us. logo with a different word.

Given in a previous answer for a none of the above option (https://www.unionsouthampton.org/you-make-change/558) you reference these ideas. Is it possible for you to release those ideas into the public domain (perhaps anonymised)? If this is not possible are you able to highlight which ideas the three final designs were based on?

I would also like to request the number of people that filled out the survey. 

Yours sincerely,

Lloyd Pearson


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Emily Dawes submitted on

Friday 16th June 2017


In total there were 52 responses.  Please click here to view the full list

Many thanks

Alex Hovden

Union President