freshers events

Megan Campbell submitted on

Friday 1st September 2017


 i was just wondering how i find out about freshers events that are going on and where i can buy the tickets. Also if i should buy the tickets before or when i get to university.


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Samuel Dedman submitted on

Friday 15th September 2017


Hi Megan,

Thanks for getting in touch - we can't wait to welcome you to Southampton! The easiest place to see all of the Freshers' events which we have running is on the official University of Southampton Freshers' 2017/18 Facebook page (, which will go through all of the events planned in a bit more detail. If you want to go to a ticketed event, you can then purchase the tickets directly from the Union through our Box Office website (, and then collect them during Welcome Weekend once you have arrived. 

The question of if you should buy the tickets in advance is one that really comes down to personal preference. Buying in advance guarantees you a ticket for the event, whereas buying them once you arrive leaves you open to the possibility of the event selling out. Equally, make sure you take a look at our Master Pass (, which includes a load of different events in one single package. 

I hope that helps, and do get in touch with me if you have any more questions!

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education,

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