What to bring?

Nicholas Evans submitted on

Monday 4th September 2017



I am a new undergrad student with a place at Chamberlain Halls for this September in an Ensuite Cat 2. 

Do you provide a list of reccomended stuff to bring (eg - how big are the beds & how bigger sheets etc should I be bringing?).




Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Samuel Dedman submitted on

Friday 15th September 2017


Hi Nick, 

Thanks for getting in touch - we can't wait to welcome you to Southampton soon! For anything to do with accomodation we'd recommend that you get in touch with the Residential Services team on the following details: 

Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 5959
Email: accommodation@soton.ac.uk

If you have any more questions, get in touch with our VP Engagement Dan Varley (vpengage@susu.org) and he'll be able to help you out!

All the best, 

Samuel Dedman (VP Education, vpeducation@susu.org)

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