Simplify the gym membership

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 26th September 2017


The gym membership categeories are too complicated. The price of going to the gym at any time has jumped from £165 last year to £230 which is an absurdly big price hike.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 19th Jan 2018 1:55pm

Apologies for the broken hyperlink, the link to my blog post is here:

Students' Union replied on

Friday 19th Jan 2018 1:29pm

Hi there,


Thank you for your suggestion and apologies for the late reply.

The subject of gym membership is a complex one, and I summarise many of the main themes in my blog post on the topic published over summer. I would recommend reading it here. Sport and Wellbeing changed their membership offering this academic year to give students more choice and flexibility following feedback asking them to split up the membership. I too am saddened to see the top level membership rise to £230, however this is necessary to offset the costs of offering the lower tiered option. I appreciate that for regular users of the facilities this represents a big price hike (this has affected my own memberhsip costs as well), but it is important to consider that the new system offers more casual members of AU clubs the potential of a big reduction in costs. As with many issues with Sport and Wellbeing I have no decision making control over budgets, however I am regularly meeting with the management to represent students' interests. I am focusing my suggestions on ways to make membership more affordable without extra budget, which includes splitting up the cost of membership throughout the year rather than in one lump sum and lobbying senior university staff to reinvest in the student experience by subsidising gym membership. If you would like more information please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Best wishes,

Steve Gore

VP Sports


  • Forwarded to Sports Development

    Friday 29th Sep 2017 1:03pm


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