Add our date of birth to the student ID

Rayan Taher submitted on

Wednesday 27th September 2017


To whom it might concern,

I am an international student at Southampton.

The only "English" ID that I have is my BRP. I was adviced by the registartion team to keep that safe at home. However, I am obliged to take it out with me, because the security guys in all pubs and nightclubs need to see my date of birth. It would make it easier and securer for us, if we had our date of birth on our student ID card.

Thank your constant support


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Dec 2017 9:36am


I've had a response from the University:

“We aim to hold as little data as possible within the ID card system to ensure the cards are secure.  In 2014/15 we removed all data except for Faculty, programme and students name from the cards and further information is no longer held in the ID card system.The current system doesn’t have the interface which would be required from Banner to access this additional piece of information however in the next year we will be investigating procurement options for a new ID card system.  This project will look at options to improve the cards offered to both students and staff.”

I hope this offers some clarity as to why dates of birth are not on ID cards, and that alternative options have worked out for you!

Flora, Union President

Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Oct 2017 12:11pm


I will speak to the University and find out if it's possible to have date of birth added to ID cards, but unfortunately, I can't see this happening in the short term. It is possible to get ID cards that are valid that are not passports, however - I'd recommend checking out this link ( in the short term and doing some research!


Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 29th Sep 2017 1:07pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Milosz Gaczkowski commented on

Friday 6th Oct 2017 12:27pm

An important consideration with a proposal like this would be that the University currently uses your date of birth and ID number in its password reminder system. This could have security implications, since anyone who gets a hold of your ID card could find it much easier to gain unauthorised access to your computing account

Alexander Petrov commented on

Wednesday 4th Oct 2017 3:53pm

A passport from any country would do?

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