Make a kettle station, like the microwave one.

Olaf Czerwinski submitted on

Monday 2nd October 2017


Make available a lot of kettles or place with a boiling water so the students can make tea or coffee or hot soups.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Oct 2017 12:30pm

Hi Olaf! 

Fortunately, we have an update on this before the next meeting of Ops and Services! Having spoken to our Bars Manager, students will be able to get free hot water for food products (ie pot noodles, soups etc) from Bar 3 in the Union Building. Our VP Education, Sam, is also working with the University to look at hot water across campuses. 

Hope this helps!

Flora, Union President

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 18th Oct 2017 12:05pm


Thanks for your idea! This is the sort of issue that's perfect to take to Operations and Services Advisory Forum, which will have its first meeting in the next month or so! I'll add the issue to the agenda for the meeting, and update you once discussions have happened.


Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 6th Oct 2017 1:05pm


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