SUSU cafe menu improvement

Joseph Pye submitted on

Monday 2nd October 2017


I have noticed that SUSU cafe has recently stopped selling Lincolnshire and Cumberland sausages, and instead only sell one standard sausage which is of significantly lower quality. I suggest that this change is reversed as soon as possible.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 18th Oct 2017 12:17pm

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for your idea! During the rethink of how the Cafe operates (to make it the best service possible), we moved to a 50p an item breakfast, allowing students more flexibility in what they choose for breakfast, and to keep costs as low as possible. Unfortunately, we're unable to offer the Lincolnshire sausages at that price, so unless we see significant student demand for them to be reintroduced, it's not something we would be able to do.


Flora, Union President 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 6th Oct 2017 1:08pm


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