Make appointment availability more flexible

Lauren Clark submitted on

Tuesday 3rd October 2017


Appointments for student support fund are only available on certain days and at certain times with no room for flexibility. I am a mature science student with a young daughter and due to a heavy timetable and other commitments I am unable to attend the available appointments. I was turned away from student services in tears without any suggestions of how i could get help outside of appointment times.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 18th Oct 2017 12:37pm

Hi Lauren,

I've had a response from Student Services:

We apologise that you were unable to get an appointment and hope that you have now been able to access some support.  The Student Support Fund has received an unprecedented number of applications this year which has resulted in some students having to wait a little longer before getting an appointment.  To increase the number of appointments for students we have introduced Webinars, online appointments which can be attended by up to 20 students at once, which can also be accessed remotely to increase accessibility for students at satellite campuses.  As of next week we will also be adding six additional appointment slots to try and see as many students as quickly as possible.

Our advisors are now running drop-in appointments in addition to standard appointments every Friday morning from 9:30 – 12pm in the Student Services Centre and from November we will be running remote drop-ins at Winchester School of Art and the National Oceanography Centre to try and meet student demand.    

We understand it can sometimes be difficult to attend appointments in person and we are happy to offer telephone appointments to students who are unable to come to campus.  Student Services can also answer questions by email or by calling 02380 599599.

I hope this helps!

Flora, Union President


Students' Union replied on

Thursday 12th Oct 2017 4:14pm

Hi Lauren,

Thanks for letting us know, and I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this. I've let the Director of Student Services know about this, as soon as I have an answer I'll update you.  


Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 6th Oct 2017 1:09pm


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