Make glen Eyre gym 24/7 or have a later closing time

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 28th November 2017


Make glen Eyre gym 24/7 or have a later closing time. It's right next to security so I am not sure why this couldn't be possible. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 5th Apr 2018 2:20pm

Hi Anon,


Thank you for your suggestion.

I've spoken to Sport and Wellbeing management about this issue and they have informed me that the external unmanned gyms at Glen Eyre and Connaught have to mirror the opening times at Jubilee Sports Centre because they are remotely monitored by Sport and Wellbeing via CCTV. If an accident were to happen in these gyms outside of S&W opening hours they wouldn't be able to assist and also wouldn't be covered by insurance. I have had separate discussions about extending the opening hours of Jubilee which would help this issue, but currently I don't have enough evidence to provide a compelling enough argument for Sport and Wellbeing to adopt this. I will look into this further during the rest of my time as VP Sports so hopefully there will be an improvement. Please contact me personally at if you would like to discuss this further.


Best wishes,

Steve Gore

VP Sports


  • Forwarded to Sports Development

    Friday 1st Dec 2017 1:12pm


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