Encourage estates and facilities to implement a more sensible heating arrangement in lecture spaces.

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 28th November 2017


In many lecture and lab spaces on campus the level of heating is completely inappropriate. Even with no one in the room at the beginning of the day it is unbearably hot. This affects our ability to work significantly. Some standout offenders are buildings 5, 16, 45 and 67. I dread to think of the amount of energy wasted heating these spaces to the level they are, especially after windows are often opened to try and compensate. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 15th Dec 2017 12:00pm

Hello again! 

Hopefully you've been able to get in touch with Estates & Facilities - I'm going to close this issue at this point, but if some more informaiton appears then I will let you know. 

As always don't hesitate to drop me an email (vpeducation@susu.org) if you have any more questions or want to continue this conversation!

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education, 2017/18)

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 6th Dec 2017 9:39am


Thanks for getting in touch - the best thing for you to do is to get in touch with Estates & Facilities through Planon (there is a Heating & Cooling option here: https://planon.soton.ac.uk/selfservice/Maint_A.php). They log the number of times which a specific space is mentioned, and use this to help prioritise work and refurbishment. 

Hopefully that helps, and as always don't hesitate to drop me an email (vpeducation@susu.org) if you have any more questions!

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education, 2017/18)


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    Friday 1st Dec 2017 1:14pm


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