Scottish Notes at Jubilee Centre

Geir Olafsson submitted on

Thursday 30th November 2017


I recently tried to spend a Scottish £20 Clydesdale bank note at the Jubilee centre, and was surprised to find that it is the policy of the University of Southampton Sports and Wellbeing centre, not to accept Scottish notes. I wondered if anyone knew why this was the case?

This fact sheet available from the Bank of England: 

clearly states that Scottish and Northern Irish notes are a legal form of currancy throughout the UK. These are forms of currency are approved by the UK Parliment, and I can therefore see no reason why they would not be accepted at the University. 

Since there is a large Scottish and Northern Irish community at the University, many of whom will have Scottish and Irish notes with them when they return to campus, I think its a shame that the Sports and Wellbeing Centres have taken this stance. I have had no problems spending Scottish notes in other parts of the University e.g. staff club. 


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Emily Dawes submitted on

Friday 8th December 2017


Hi Geir,

I've spoken to Sport and Wellbeing, and they have assured me that the incident was a one-off mistake and that all staff have been informed that Scottish notes are legal tender. Hope this helps!

Flora, Union President