Next year's Christmas decorations to be toned down and money spent that would be spent on them given to student societies.

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 4th December 2017


I don't mean to be a Grinch but this year's Christmas decorations at the bridge was too much and looks tacky. 

The lights and the over the top water fountain cost the union to purchase and run through the Christmas period. Considering societies are recieving less money, this recent expenditure could have been given to these groups.

Furthermore, as a diverse student community not everybody celebrates Christmas. Therefore, the extent of this year's display feels obnoxious. 

Please vote if you agree for the display to be authentic and cost effective next year.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 26th Jan 2018 12:34pm


Thanks for your feedback on this year's Christmas decorations. Every year we try to bring as much Christmas cheer to the Bridge as possible, but I'm sorry that you feel that we missed the mark this year. I will pass your feedback on to the team who decorate the Union building each year and ask them to bear it in mind for Christmas 2018. In terms of the cost of the decorations, we already own the majority of them and reuse them every year (they're stored above the Bridge), so that money wouldn't be able to go towards clubs and societies, although I recognise that we have been less able to financially support clubs and societies this year due to a reduction in our block grant from the University.

Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 8th Dec 2017 1:01pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Susan Kay commented on

Thursday 14th Dec 2017 10:40pm

Agreed, the blue lights doesn't bring much to the trees, perhaps use warmer tones like yellow fairy lights around the trees? Also outraged to see the lights kept on during the day!

There's already a nice chistmas tree indoors ay SUSU, the outdoor one seems redunant and tacky with just LEDs. Perphaps we could make do without an outdoor one but even better indoor one?

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