Clearly Label Seafood Sold in Union Outlets

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 4th December 2017


Sadly fishstocks worldwide are in decline, and university and it's students has a responsibility to stock sustainble caught fish or not serve them at all. 

At NOCs fish are clearly  MSC labelled, this should be adopted by the union so it is clear to the students the origins of their meal. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 17th May 2018 1:05pm

Hi, just to say that the new Bridge menu has a line in it letting customers know that all our fish is MSC standard!

Flora, Union President

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 15th Feb 2018 9:29am


Having spoken to our team, I can confirm that any fish we use in the Bridge is MSC standard, and when we next update our menus (around Easter), we will be adding a paragraph about sustainability, including sustainable fishing, so make that clear to students. We do not use any fish products in the Cafe, and in our own line of sandwiches that we stock in the Shop, the fish is MCS standard, and we are looking at adding this the ingredients list.

Flora, Union President

Students' Union replied on

Friday 26th Jan 2018 12:39pm


Thanks for your idea - this sounds like a great way to raise awareness of sustainable fishing. I will speak to the team who make our sandwiches and see if it's possible!

Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 8th Dec 2017 1:02pm


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