Label products correctly in the SUSU shop

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 24th January 2018


You have recently replaced your supplier for the suplerglue in the SUSU shop with a cheap unbranded version. However, you are still labelling it on the shelves as the higher quality branded version, it is registered as a diferent item at the tills though. I have informed the staff in the shop about this and the following day it has still not been fixed. Given this could be taken as the Union attempting to "pass of" unbranded goods a branded ones, I thought I would post here so it can get fixed.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 23rd Feb 2018 12:52pm


We've checked all our stock and it looks like everything is now labelled correctly. Please let me know if any further issues arise. 

Flora, Union President 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 15th Feb 2018 3:23pm

Hi! Thanks for this feedback, I will raise it with the Shop and let you know once it has been sorted!

Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 26th Jan 2018 1:07pm


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