negotiate with Sport and Wellbeing to find alternative location for classes held in Jubilee Sports Hall during exam period

Iris Kramer submitted on

Sunday 28th January 2018


During exam period all classes held in Jubilee Sports Hall are cancelled because of the exam setup. Although, students that have exams might want to blow off steam by taking these classes and PhD students are unnecessarily affected by this. Also, alternative classes for high intensity like indoor cycling are quickly booked out during this period which leaves no opportunity for class based training. As we are paying members I feel that we should be offered alternative locations for these classes.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 6th Apr 2018 2:03pm

Hi Iris,

Thank you for your suggestion. Sport and Wellbeing are keen to provide alternative spaces for classes during the exam period, but they are limited by what equipment they can move and whether or not students would want to go off campus for classes since Glen Hall and Cantell school are venues they are considering. I have emailed them recently to offer assistance from SUSU to host them in our spaces such as the cube and activities room based on your suggestion. I am keen to see students being able to continue their exercise during exams so hopefully there will be an alternative timetable in place in time for the summer season.

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sports


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    Friday 2nd Feb 2018 1:06pm


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