Reduce printing prices in the Library

Rebecca Hibberd submitted on

Monday 26th February 2018


Many students are required to print research papers and many documents for their studies. I believe the current prices provided by the library are unreasonable as we are already paying £9000 per year to the university.

The printing costs are currently: 

A4 - 5p per side (black and white) or 25p per side (colour)

A4 - 4.5p double sided (black and white) or 24p double sided (colour)

I feel this is too much for the amount of printing that some students have to or would like to do considering the print credit we are given.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th Jul 2018 2:29pm

Hi Rebecca, 

I'm pleased to say that we may have something close to an answer - or at least the promise of one. As you might have seen on SUSSED over the past few weeks the University have started the rollout of the new print service across all campuses (see and These printers will bring a number of significant improvements (as detailed in the links above), along with a new pricing strategy. Details about this in particular are due to come by the start of the 2018/19 Academic Year, so keep an eye on Union and University communications channels to find out more. 

I'm going to mark this You Make Change as completed for now, but will re-open it if the plan above changes significantly. Thanks for getting in touch! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 31st May 2018 3:47pm

Hi Rebecca, 

Apologies for delays in answering this You Make Change - iSolutions are keeping the current proposals very close to their chest and I therefore haven't had a chance to see them yet. I'm still hearing incredibly positive noises from those that I have spoken to, but I'm conscious that this isn't entirely reassuring given the time that this You Make Change has been open for. 

I'm going to keep pushing and will be back as soon as I have an update. Do get in touch if you want to discuss this further, though! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman

(VP Education 2017/18,

Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Apr 2018 3:55pm

Hi Rebecca, 

I just wanted to provide a bit of an update on your You Make Change. I still don't have any definite new prices, but I did meet with iSolutions earlier this week to discuss this exact topic and things are looking incredibly positive. 

More to come - keep an eye out for more updates! 

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions. 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18)

Students' Union replied on

Friday 9th Mar 2018 5:44pm

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for getting in touch - printing is something which I've been working really hard on over the past year. I can't say a great deal about it at the moment (due to the confidential nature of ongoing conversations) but I'm hopeful that we'll be able to reign in the price of printing before too much longer. 

Watch this space - and don't forget that voting is now live on this You Make Change. The more votes on this the more evidence I have to take to the University, so make sure that you share the link with your friends and peers. 

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions. 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18)


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    Friday 9th Mar 2018 12:01pm


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