Make university cafeteria accessible to students who bought food from other university catering-affiliated stores/student union shop

Jofferson Gonzales submitted on

Sunday 4th March 2018


Recently, Piazza has begun strictly enforcing a policy that only those who bought their food from Pizza are allowed to stay in Piazza.

Can the university not loosen this policy when the cafeteria is not crowded?

Is it not possible to allow students whose meals are home-made or purchased from university stores or the catered halls to use university cafeteria facilities outside busy hours?


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 17th May 2018 3:55pm

Hi Jofferson,


I am already chasing the University on this following previous You Make Changes, and will update the first You Make Change about it here 


Flora, Union President 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 9th Mar 2018 12:00pm


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