switch to reusable cups for juice in the café

Corin Holloway submitted on

Monday 23rd April 2018




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Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 16th May 2018 2:56pm

Hi Corin,


Thanks for your question. I have spoken to our Catering team about this, and unfortunately due to the lack of glass washing facilities in the Cafe, the cost to buy additional glasses, and the per item cost of reusable cups, if we moved away from plastic cups it would no longer be viable to provide juice as a free item. Sorry that this isn't something we can do at the moment - we'll definitely bear it in mind for the future though, as it would be great to get rid of another form of single use plastic!


Flora, Union President


  • Forwarded to Sustainability

    Friday 27th Apr 2018 1:00pm


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