Why does Karaoke advertising contain a "brought to you by Union President, Flora Noble" sticker?
Anonymous submitted on
Friday 27th April 2018
This is clearly not a new event so I am wondering in what way she should receive credit for it?
Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.
Fleur Walsh submitted on
Friday 24th August 2018
Hey there!
I have spoken with our Marketing and Communications team and we have decided to pull these posters, and use the 'brought to you by' campaign only on events that have been directly organised or influenced by sabbatical officers. If you have any more suggestions on how we can improve our marketing, don't hesitate to email me at vpengage@susu.org.
All the best,
Fleur Elizabeth Walsh
VP Engagement