Re-think the charging stations.

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 1st May 2018


There are 'charging stations' in the Cafe, they are empty lockers, what is the point in this?

Surely if you have a battery pack you'll charge it yourself. The point of a charging locker is that it provides adequate charging facilites such as power and a charging cable adapter, these do not exist. 

The receptionists had no idea these existed and only with the investigation from facilities were some unknown keys found and tested. These opened the lockers to reveal that they were empty.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 4th Jun 2018 10:07am


A couple of weeks have passed, and as such I'm going to close this You Make Change submission. However I'm keen to do as much as I can to improve charging facilities across the University and Union, and as such will re-open this You Make Change in the future should there be any updates.  

All the best, and thank you for using You Make Change! 

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18 -

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 16th May 2018 2:59pm

Hello again! 

I'm back with an update. Our Union Services team have checked the cabinet today and I've been informed that each definitely has a plug socket in them to provide power. We do need each user to bring their own cables, but the lockers are definitely there to be used! I'll also go away and make sure that Reception are aware that the keys exist.

I'll leave this You Make Change submission live for now to let voting happen - do let me know if you have any more questions or ideas! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18 -

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 16th May 2018 11:07am


Thanks for getting in touch. I was under the impression that the lockers had all of the facilities needed to charge a device, but it looks like I am wrong! I'll have a chat with our Union Services team and see what their thoughts are - we appreciate how important having power is to students while studying. 

I'll be back soon with more information! 

In the meantime don't forget that this You Make Change is now listed on the website and can be upvoted/downvoted, so share it with your friends and get their input! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18 -


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    Wednesday 16th May 2018 10:50am


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