GDPR Compliance For SUSU and Student Societies

Kajetan Champlewski submitted on

Thursday 3rd May 2018


I've recently become Director of SourceBots, which is a part of the Southampton Robotics Outreach society. As part of this society, we talk to external students and may be holding some of their information (names, contact details, etc). Due to the nature of the competitions we run, we have to hold this data to keep track of students' media consent, which permits us and SUSU to photograph and record the competition.

With the EU's General Data Protection Regulations coming into effect on the 25th of May, I'm wondering what advice SUSU has with regards to GDPR compliance for societies, and how it will ensure it is GDPR compliant itself (which appears to be a prerequisite for society GDPR compliance, as societies operate under SUSU regulations)?


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Evie Reilly submitted on

Friday 13th July 2018


Hi Kajetan, 

Guidance has now gone out to all societies about how to ensure that they are GDPR compliant. An outline of GDPR compliance for societies can also be found here:

I believe that some more guidance will also be going out to society committees closer to Freshers', in time for your influx of new members. If there are any specific questions you have surrounding GDPR and your society, you can contact, or myself and our director of operations are happy to meet committee members to discuss these.

Many thanks, 

Evie Reilly (VP DCI)