put Eduroam on Unilink busses

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 8th May 2018


The busses already have free WiFi - simply add an Eduroam hotspot to the system. It'd mean that students could roam between campuses on the bus, never losing connection.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 4th Jun 2018 10:18am


A couple of weeks have passed, and as such I'm going to close this You Make Change submission. I know that there are a bunch of conversations happening about Unilink over the coming months, however, so I'll keep an eye on things and will be back if there are any further updates. 

All the best, and thank you for using You Make Change! 

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18 - vpeducation@susu.org)

Students' Union replied on

Monday 21st May 2018 2:03pm

Hello again! 

The University's Transport Team have come back to me and have confirmed that the current WiFi service is provided under contract by Go South Coast (who operate the Unilink service), and as such any addition would require the University to include it as part of their tender process. They believe that it'll therefore be difficult to implement in the short term, but I'm keen to see it considered if/when we go back out to tender. 

I'll leave the You Make Change open for a bit longer just to capture student opinion - make sure you keep sharing the link for upvoting and downvoting! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18, vpeducation@susu.org)

Students' Union replied on

Friday 18th May 2018 3:55pm


Thanks for getting in touch. I can see this being something which could be technically quite difficult to implement, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't ask the question! I'll pass it over to the team responsible for transport (and liaising with Unilink) at the University, and will let you know as soon as I have an update. 

I'll be back soon with an update - for now remember that voting is now live on this You Make Change so please share it with your friends!

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18, vpeducation@susu.org)


  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 18th May 2018 1:06pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Dan Trickey commented on

Friday 18th May 2018 5:05pm

The SOWN Project may be able to help with this. http://www.sown.org.uk/

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