have the WSA shuttle bus run more frequently than every hour

Patricia Odysseos-Suther submitted on

Tuesday 8th May 2018


WSA students want to be able to access all the facilities the university has to offer, however, it is difficult due to the distance. It is also difficult for students who are living in Southampton to attend university if the bus only comes every hour. As well as this, WSA students may need to use facilities in Southampton on the weekend and the bus does not run during this period. My proposal is that we get the bus to run every half an hour and on weekends to allow for WSA students to have the full University of Southanpton experience.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 23rd May 2018 10:43am

Hi Patricia,

Thanks for your You Make Change suggestion. I have broached this with the relavent parties before and it is just unlikely to happen. 

To give you context, the original purpose of the bus was to provide a link between Southampton and Winchester and to facilitate students being able to attend lectures etc. in Southampton if they were based in Winchester and vice versa, which is why it doesn't run at the weekends. With traffic and the different stop-off points the bus is stretched to run hourly, and the faculty are happy with the offer of the Shuttle Bus, as well as other forms of travel between the cities (such as the train routes and BlueStar) that students who wanted to come to Southampton at the weekend would be able to. We also have the data now to see that outside the peak hours of around 9am and 5pm, the bus is sparsely used, so it just wouldn't work.

I do think that it is important for WSA students to feel as though they are getting the full University experience, so if there is anything the Students' Union can do to make your experiences more enjoyable please let us know, and engage with our presence at WSA.



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    Friday 18th May 2018 1:07pm


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