Cost breakdown of 50p society surcharge

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 9th May 2018


Please could the union give a full breakdown and justification for charging 50p to join a society, even if the society is free.

The reasoning "because of GDPR" is insufficient.


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Evie Reilly submitted on

Friday 8th February 2019


Thak you for your submission, 

the 50p Box Office charge specifically goes towards the additional time it takes for the Union’s staff to process these financial transactions (to date we have seen over 14,000 memberships processed this academic year). It was agreed when first implemented, that this would be reviewed at the end of the 2018/19 academic year to confirm whether this is the correct value and this has been diarised to occur prior to the release of 2019/20 memberships through the Box Office.

Please note that there is no charge attached to any Club or Society offering free membership, and this is done directly through the society page on the Union website. 

I believe that the question on GDPR was surrounding the Union tightening up its policy on all society members needing to be recorded on the website, whether through purchsing through Box Office or a member registering through the society page on the Union website. This was in part due to good GDPR guidance, but also to ensure that the Union had accurate details of all society membership so that it could most appropriately allocate resources. 

I hope that this answers your query, 

Many thanks,