Put a microwave in the library

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 22nd May 2018


the microwaves in the union were a great idea and it would be great to have one in the library as it would make staying to work later better as you can heat up dinner.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 13th Jul 2018 12:01pm

Hello again!

This You Make Change has been live for a few weeks now, and since updates on this might take a while I'm going to close it in the meantime. 

I'll be back with any updates as soon as I have them, but if you have any more questions don't hesitate to get in touch with me on vpeducation@susu.org.

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017-19, vpeducation@susu.org)

Students' Union replied on

Monday 4th Jun 2018 10:32am


Thanks for getting in touch. This is something which a number of my predecessors have campaigned on, and I'm pleased to say that conversations are moving forward. The Library have just replied to me with the following response: 

"Following feedback from students with our graffiti board, over 80% of students have requested a microwave in the Hartley Library.  We are  now looking into implementation and funding as we need to consider all the  health and safety requirements with a 24/7 Building and also the  cleaning and waste removal requirements amongst a number of other issues.  We will post an update as soon as there is further progress."

This You Make Change is now live on the SUSU website, so voting on your idea can now take place. Make sure you send the link around to your peers - the more student input, the better! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017/18, vpeducation@susu.org)


  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 1st Jun 2018 1:05pm


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