purchase an ice cream van

Kathryn Cox submitted on

Tuesday 3rd July 2018


I think it would be beneficial for the Students Union to purchase an ice cream particularly in these hot days, this could also be used at events such as Grad Ball, Freshers etc.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 1st Aug 2018 5:34pm

I think this is one of my favourite YMCs yet!! An ice cream van would be super cool.

In all seriousness, we would need to submit a proper business case to Trustee Baord for approval due to the nature of this purchase. At the present moment in time we do have limited resources and our capital budget albeit limited is being used to improve our multi-purpose studio along with making improvements to our technology systems  throughout our buildings. 

But once we have some budget freed up a little bit more, it would be definitely something worth considering!

Emily, Union President


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 13th Jul 2018 1:21pm


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