Have a regular bingo night in the Cube

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 11th July 2018


You want to cube to actually be used by students right??? So why not put an event in their that is luved by students in Soton.... BINGO!!!!!


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 6th Aug 2018 9:44am

Hey there,


I've spoken to our Entertainments Manager who had this exciting response!


"We’re definitely looking into this as an event for The Cube. We are working with Bongos Bingo from September 2018 on a number of events which will be promoted throughout The Union. Unfortunately, as much as we have tried, logistically, The Cube just isn’t big enough for us to host Bongos Bingo. However, we are looking at other options, so watch this space!"


Hope this helps!


All the best,

Fleur Elizabeth Walsh

VP Engagement

Students' Union replied on

Friday 20th Jul 2018 2:52pm



Thanks for your suggestion. I'm currently looking into the feasibility of this, the relevant staff member is on leave at the moment and will pick this up when they return in 2 weeks.



VP Engagement


  • Forwarded to External Engagement

    Friday 13th Jul 2018 1:29pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Max Hayman commented on

Tuesday 17th Jul 2018 12:21pm

You could use other venues such as the bridge.

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