Ensure that there are more rubbish bins available alongside the mixed recycling/food waste ones.

Rowena Vuilleumier submitted on

Tuesday 17th July 2018


The current situation means that people are not recycling properly, because they have nowhere to put their rubbish and end up putting it in the mixed recycling. I have seen many students throw non-recyclable material in the bins because they have no choice, despite wanting to recycle.

It seems like a fairly simple fix.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Jul 2018 3:24pm

Hi Rowena, 

Thank you for your idea submission. 

I met with the University's Campus Service Manager yesterday to discuss your concerns. At the moment our mixed waste bins are taken and the rubbish seperated and then the items that can be are recycled, the rest sent to "energy recovery". Unfortunately, this method is not the most efficient as some bags of waste are contaminated with food, so are unable to be recycled and must be destroyed. In light of this, we are currently trailling the seperate waste method (with more bins) at WSA and in the library. As it is a very large-scale project to introduce additioinal bins at all our sites, we must see whether students do use these bins correctly and whether it would be worth the investment. 

If you want any more info regarding our waste management, please visit the Uni website here: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/susdev/our-approach/waste-recycling-a-z.page 

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri, VP Welfare


  • Forwarded to Sustainability

    Friday 20th Jul 2018 2:06pm


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