Safety Bus in the Summer

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 18th July 2018


Why is there no Saftey Bus in the summer period after evening events? There was a mexican party last weekend and the decurity told us to wait for the saftey bus after the event. After about 20 minutes we were told there is no safety bus in the summer, even the security was very surprised. Why is the safety bus not running for students here during the summer? We need a way to get home safe.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Jul 2018 2:42pm

Hey there, 

Thank you for your You Make Change submission. I'm sorry to hear you were told wrong information about the service. Unfortunately the Safety Bus does not run Monday-Sunday during vacation hours. I have emailed the Bars manager to inform security and staff of this and to get them to provide the contact details of a reliable taxi service.

I personally think the Safety Bus is an important service that should run throughout the vacation when there are events and for PG students. I'm currently looking into the feasability of this, so please keep an eye out on my Facebook/Twitter pages for updates. 


Isabella Camilleri, VP Welfare


  • Forwarded to Student Life

    Friday 20th Jul 2018 2:07pm


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