Oppose the building of new car parks over green spaces

Corin Holloway submitted on

Thursday 19th July 2018


The University is looking for feedback on their proposed developments and wants to build more car parking. They're currently asking for feedback. SUSU could post something asking people to give feedback mentioning that they'll be turning a green space which was formerly allotments into more car parking. 

Information here https://www.southampton.ac.uk/community/estate-plans-exhibition.page 

I'll try to get people to sign it too and can make a post to be shared by SUSU and an email template to send them if you would likel.




Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 4th Sep 2018 4:42pm

Hi Corin,

I'd like to apologise for the delay on getting back to you. I feel more comfortable giving you an answer now that I am more aware of the building plans.

We will not be able to oppose the building of the car park on the current green space, but what we can do is push for more green space to be built. I have been involved with the plans and will always make sure to incorporate environmentally friendly measures into any new plans. Currently, we are hopinh to add a much larger green space in between new buildings which will benefit the local eco system as well as being a really nice place for students to be.

If you are concerned with short term access to green space, we are starting to work with the Common Forum to get students involved in Common preservation! They have some space for gardening/biodiversity and other activities and as soon we as know, you will know.

I'm sorry it couldn't be the answer you were looking for but I am hoping that this response will be satisfactory. The environment is always at the top of my priorities.

Emily, Union President 

Students' Union replied on

Monday 30th Jul 2018 5:07pm

Hi Corin,

Us sabbs have not yet been introduced to the full plan - we are scheduled for this tomorrow I am pretty sure! We have asked for the deadline for feedback to be extended because we do not think the student voice was considered, especially because the deadline was during the summer.

As far as opposing the plans, it's a little tricky due to the size of the proposed building works. There will be a lot more functional space on campus and so we are anticipating an increase in the need for parking. While I think it is important to encourage people to take public transport/walk/bike etc., we must account for people whose only option is to drive and park. We do not currently have enough space for our staff/students, and with the plan given we are only expecting a higher demand.

However, it will be very important to make sure that any buildings that do get installed are environmentally friendly and encourage our wildfire to thrive.

I will bring up your concerns at our meeting and let you know what they say!

Emily, Union President 


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 20th Jul 2018 2:18pm


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