Add more kettles to accessible places.

Melsa Bicer submitted on

Friday 27th July 2018


Some buildings have kitchens but shut after 6 unless we have access or we don't go in because we don't know of it or they're staff kitchens. I personally don't feel comfortable going to the bridge, stags or bar 3 for hot water. I imagine other students feel like this, especially those with anxiety. Additionally, if it's late at night, not only are bar 3 & the bridge shut, the stags is very full. 

Maybe in the library cafe, union building & other communal areas on other campuses. 

This would be beneficial for food & hot drinks!

Thank you in advance 



Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 4th Sep 2018 4:46pm

Hi Melsa,

Thank you for the suggestion. We will be looking into adding hot water to buildings 58, 46, 7 and 29 over the next year, so please look out for any updates. 

Hope this helps!

Emily, Union President 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Jul 2018 3:20pm

Hi Melsa,

Thanks for getting in touch. Emily Dawes (Union President) and I are going to be handling different elements of this You Make Change submission, so here is my reply about the hot water access element.

Last year we were able to secure free hot water for all from any Union or University outlet (provided you had your own flask/cup). However the point you made about the accessibility of these is a good one, and is why I've been continuing to work with the University to install fixed hot water dispensers around campus. There are some concerns about these from a health and safety perspective, but this hasn't prevented the first one from being installed a couple of months ago near the Cafe in Hartley Library (Level 2, near the toilets). I also recall that Avenue Campus used to have one upstairs, but I'm not sure if that is still there anymore. 

Getting more of these installed is only half of the problem, as you pointed out. Access to University buildings is particularly difficult over the summer, but I know this is something that Emily is in the process of looking into at the moment. 

I'll keep working on getting more permanent water dispensers added, but in the meantime your You Make Change is now live on the SUSU website and can be voted upon, so please feel free to share it with your friends. The more input, the better! 

If you have any questions (or ideas as to where we should put some more dispensers), don't hesitate to get in touch with me on 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017-19) 



  • Forwarded to Union President

    Monday 30th Jul 2018 9:22am

  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 27th Jul 2018 1:20pm


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