add clothes lines to Halls

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 3rd August 2018



Could we please have clothes lines in Halls to air dry clothes? We currently only have dryers and with such lovely weather it would be great if we could hang clothes up to dry instead of using the dryers.

Thanks! :)


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 5th Nov 2018 2:03pm

Hi there, 

Thank you for this You Make Change suggestion! After liaising with residences, I have recieved the following reply;

"Thank you for sending through the idea of clothes lines in halls.  While these work really well in a house environment, as they can be managed by a small group of students, these become difficult to manage in a halls environment with the volume of students and placement of these to ensure a small group of students can take responsibility for them.  In the laundries currently we already get a number of belongings left behind following use of the washers and dryers."      

Because of these reasons, it currently isn't possible to add clothes lines to halls. However, this wouldn't stop a student using their own airer outside, when the weather permits. Although if a student were to do this, it would be at their own risk, and I would reccomend not leaving any belongings unattended. 

If you have any more suggestions about halls, please don't hesitate to get intouch via !


All the best,

Fleur Elizabeth Walsh

VP Engagement 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 24th Aug 2018 11:14am

Hey there!

I've spoken to the team in residences to look into the possbility of this, and hope to hear back soon! If you'd like to talk to me directly please don't hesitate to email at


All the best,

Fleur Elizabeth Walsh

VP Engagement 


  • Forwarded to External Engagement

    Tuesday 14th Aug 2018 11:00am


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