Bring back basket meals ALL DAY

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 6th August 2018


Please can you make The Bridge basket meals available all day, or at least make them available over the summer still.

I can't think of a logical reason why they would pull them off the menu during summer or restrict the hours they're sold (even though they're still advertised in the menus right now).


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 19th Dec 2018 3:56pm

Hi Anon,

Apologies for the mistake in my previous reply - I had meant to say that the basket meals had not been available in the Bridge during lunchtimes because they are available in the cafe/Bar 3 during the day. They have remained on the evening menu in the Bridge.

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sports

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 19th Dec 2018 3:51pm

Hi Anon,

Thank you for your suggestion.

I have spoken to our catering manager regarding this and he has told me that the basket meals haven't been offered in the Bridge since the end of the last academic year. Instead they are being offered in the cafe/Bar 3 as box meals which are essentially the same meal but with more options available. To make up for the lack of basket meals in the Bridge, we will be adding a burger option to the a la carte menu that will be available in the Bridge in the evenings, alongside other classics such as jackfruit melt and the chicken club.

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sports


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Tuesday 14th Aug 2018 10:55am


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