create an area of student allotments

Matthew Brown submitted on

Tuesday 21st August 2018


Waiting times for allotments in Southampton are over 10 years, much longer than the time students spend at university. Some students can't garden due to being in halls, or due to the restrictions placed upon them from landlords. A student allotment or community gardening area would allow those who wish to garden be able to and possibly even improve the look of the surrounding area. It would help improve students' mindfullness, and could even be tied into other SUSU initiatives, for example composting, as a greener alternative to sending food waste to landfill. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 2nd Nov 2018 3:09pm

Hi Matthew, 


Thank you for your submission. I would love to see a community garden/ student allotments but unfortunately in the past the University have rejected the idea due to lack of land (and at the moment there are many building plans to build on the areas of green space we have, see the 10 year plan here:

We have a couple of great societies that are involved in gardening- they're super welcoming and you can contact the committee about getting invovled, from their pages: and

Furthermore, there is opportunity for students to enagage with the gardening team at St James Park (about 1.5 miles for Highfield, in the City), if you are interested please check out their website: .

BioCycle is a student group that distributes food waste bins and compostable bags to students and collects them weekly on their bikes and delivers the waste to a local community farm to be composted. If you're interested in finding out more, check out their FaceBook group here:

Finally, we work really hard to reduce food waste as much as possible here at SUSU, by a "sell and return" scheme in place between The Shop and suppliers, reducing food prices around "best before" and by cooking to order in The Bridge and other outlets.


I hope this answers your questions. If you would like to get in touch for more information, please email me at Also, if you would like to be invovled further in sustainability discussions, please come along to our next Sustainability Zone meeting on 26th November 1pm-3pm. 


Best wishes, 


Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare 

University of Southampton Students' Union




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