Please create isolated study booths at SGH library

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 23rd August 2018


it can be very intimidating for a first year to be working alongside a consultant on the same desk. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 17th Sep 2018 4:42pm

Hello again! 

Following the initial response from the Library there haven't been any new developments, although I am assured that they will look into creating some partitioned space as soon as budgets allow. 

Since this looks set to be a fairly long-term project I'm going to close this You Make Change submission in the meantime. I will re-open it should there be any further developments, however. 

Thanks again for your submission, and please make sure they keep coming in! 

Thanks again for your submission! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman 
VP Education 2017-19 -

Students' Union replied on

Friday 24th Aug 2018 3:22pm

Hello again!

I've just had an early response back from the Library to confirm that they are looking into this at the moment, albeit with the caveat that their budget for the year is slightly limited. A number of staff are on annual leave at the moment and as such a more detailed response from them may take a couple of weeks longer than is the norm. I'll let you know as soon as I have any news! 

Thanks again, 

Samuel Dedman
VP Education 2017-19 -

Students' Union replied on

Friday 24th Aug 2018 2:12pm


Thanks for getting in touch. This is something which I know has been done with positive feedback at other Library sites, and so shouldn't be all that difficult to do at SGH/UHS as well. I'm going to reach out to the Library and see what their thoughts are, and will be back with an update for you as soon as I have one. 

Your You Make Change submission is also now live on the SUSU website, and as such can be voted upon. Please share it around if you can - it always helps to have more student input! 

Thanks again, 

Samuel Dedman 
VP Education 2017-19 -


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    Friday 24th Aug 2018 1:07pm


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