sell bottled water.

Rodolfo Olvera-Trejo submitted on

Tuesday 6th November 2018


With all the range of beers and spirits, it is amazing how bottled water is not sold in any of the bars of the Union. I know you give away tap water, but it is hard water and not as good as filtered, not even the free filters at the Uni. Water will not expire, so you could have a small stack of bottled water and there are even some nice ones that come in a glass bottle and in different volumes. I am pretty sure that making them available is also an statement of the priorities of the Union.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Sunday 13th Jan 2019 1:15pm

Hi Rodolfo, 

Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately selling bottled water in the Stags and other outlets when there is tap water available acutally goes against our priorities as a Union to be more environmentally sustainable. We do sell bottled water in The Shop. 

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare 

University of Southampton Students' Union


  • Forwarded to Student Life

    Friday 9th Nov 2018 1:09pm


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