More seating in the stags

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 9th November 2018


Please can there be more chairs in the Stags, even if it's just a stack of chairs in the corner for when it gets busy? The current seat situation in Stags is abhorrent. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 25th Jan 2019 12:36pm

Hi thank you for your query! Unfortunately, the space is just not big enough for more seating. If we were to put more in, we would have to lower the amount of people that we could let in. Last year, we removed one of the pool tables, and created a new seating area in the back corner, which created seating for an extra 30 people, and we are looking to renovate this area over the Easter break. Due to the shape of the venue, our hands are pretty tied, as we can’t block off routes through the building, exits, or access to the bar for example.

I hope that this answers your query, many thanks, 

Evie Reilly (VP DEmcoracy & Creative Industries)


  • Forwarded to Creative Industries

    Friday 16th Nov 2018 1:10pm


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