Provide laptop 'anchor' points on desks in the library to combat laptop theft.

James Mudge submitted on

Sunday 18th November 2018


Kensington lock slots are a feature of almost every modern laptop and allow them to be securely anchored to desks and other immovable objects to prevent theft using an inexpensive and widely available lock (the Kensington Lock). Anchor points on library desks will allow people to go to the cafe/toilet when working on their own without having to pack up all their possessions or risk theft of their personal property. iSolutions equipment is secured by the same method and as such is clearly already a recognised and trusted method for theft prevention of IT equipment in the University. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 8th Jan 2019 4:54pm

Hello again, 

I'm pleased to say that the Library have provided the following response:

So far we have no recorded thefts of laptops. We are investigating the provision of laptop lockers.  I will raise the anchor points with iSolutions to discuss whether there could be a pilot.?

As this is going to be subject to agreement from other areas of the University I'm going to close this You Make Change in the meantime. However I'd urge you to keep an eye on the Library social media channels for further updates, and I'll re-open the submission here should the situation change massively. 

Thanks agian for the submission, and all the best! 

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Monday 17th Dec 2018 10:49am

Hello again! 

I'm afraid that I don't have anything more to update you on since my last post as I'm still awaiting a few more details from the Library. Your You Make Change submission remains open, however, and I'll be sure to add an update as soon as I have one. Please note that this may not be until after the vacation period, however.

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Friday 23rd Nov 2018 12:58pm

Hello James!

Thanks for getting in touch. This is an interesting idea and I have seen Kensington locks used at large-scale events to good effect. However the key difference here is that people have always taken their own lock with them instead of relying on one which is already provided. Managing things like keys would be logistically really challenging for a location such as Hartley, but I will pass it on to the Library and see what their thoughts are. An alternative to this would be to have lockers located around campus, and it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. 

Your You Make Change is now live on the SUSU website and can be voted upon. Please share it as much as you can - the votes are a really useful tool for identifying where there is demand for an idea. 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education 2017-19,


  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 23rd Nov 2018 12:13pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Mauro Camara Escudero commented on

Friday 23rd Nov 2018 4:04pm

I agree with James regarding the anchor points, they would be very useful!

Mauro Camara Escudero commented on

Friday 23rd Nov 2018 4:04pm

I agree with James regarding the anchor points, they would be very useful!

James Mudge commented on

Friday 23rd Nov 2018 1:03pm

Hi Sam,

That was my proposal - students can bring their own locks (and perhaps the library could even sell them for cost or near cost price) but even if you currently own one like I do, without somewhere on the desk to thread the lock through they are impossible to use. Key control would be very hard if they were provided although I believe there are possibly master-keyable versions. There are definitely also code lock versions. However, by far the easiest solution is just providing these 'anchor points' on desks so students can use their own lock.



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