
Sustainability Zone (15th June 2015)


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Name of Committee Sustainability Zone
Date and time 15th June 2015, 13:00
Place Meeting Room 1
Present Members
Union President David Mendoza-Wolfson
Ethical and Environmental Officer Lydia Butler
Equality and Diversity Officer Sam Bailey
Student Group Representative Natalie Rowell
Teresa Kennard
Vice President Engagement Ellie Cawthera
Absent with Apologies Charlotte Pollins
Vice President Welfare Beckie Thomas
Wild Bottomley
Absent without Apologies David Wikramaratna
Non-members Amy Paraskeva
Caitlin Doyle
Christopher Small
Julia Kendal
Michael Nash
Nickola Moore
Philip Doherty
Scott Mccarthy
Tony Addison

Actions and Decisions

Action Ongoing: BT will update on the status of gender neutral titles in the student records system when the University provide an update Beckie Thomas
Action ACTION: Ongoing: BT to contact Ros Collins about gender neutral titles in the student records system Beckie Thomas
Action ACTION: TS to talk to Wild to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement. Tori Simkin
Action Ongoing: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee Beckie Thomas
Action Ongoing: BT to feed back to Zone Committee about the potential staff and/or student travel policy when there are any developments on progress. Beckie Thomas
Action AP to feedback implementation plan of E&E policy at the next committee meeting. Amy Paraskeva
Action Ongoing: LB to email a reminder to PD to check Fairtrade sales figures of the shop from Fairtrade Fortnight and AP will report at the next committee. Lydia Butler
Action Ongoing: BT to contact university residents to organise the ethical living maps being put up in halls for Fresher’s week. Beckie Thomas
Action Ongiong: LB to set up a meeting with MN and the new Environment Manager. Lydia Butler
Action BT to get a quote for gumdrop for 15-20 bins for the union only and discuss the idea further with MN and TA. Beckie Thomas
Action MN and AP to look into possibility of creating a smoothie bike e.g. through unicycle or a student society. Amy Paraskeva, Michael Nash
Action SB to talk to Alana about the content of the Freshers’ Survival Guide and see if there is a place for information about waste and recycling (and potentially other areas e.g. inclusivity) in there. Sam Bailey
Action SB to meet with AP and CD to discuss the ‘sustainability stories’ idea for marketing sustainability to incoming students. Sam Bailey
Action JK to send SB the list of university communication channels. Julia Kendal
1. Apologies & attendance


Apologies and attendance was noted as above.

2. Minutes from previous meeting

The minutes for the previous Sustainability Zone Committee meeting were approved. A review is given below. Some action points have been carried over from the previous meeting, see list of Actions.

In the review of actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:


2.1 Ongoing: BT will update on the status of gender neutral titles in the student records system when the University provide an update

ACTION: Ongoing: BT will update on the status of gender neutral titles in the student records system when the University provide an update


2.2 BT to contact Ros Collins about gender neutral titles in the student records system

ACTION: Ongoing: BT to contact Ros Collins about gender neutral titles in the student records system


2.3 Ongoing: WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement with TS

ACTION: TS to talk to Wild to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement.



2.4 Ongoing: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee

ACTION: Ongoing: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee                      

2.5  Ongoing: BT to feed back to Zone Committee about the potential staff and/or student travel policy when there are any developments on progress.

ACTION: Ongoing: BT to feed back to Zone Committee about the potential staff and/or student travel policy when there are any developments on progress.


2.6  TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this.

The zone has now been mandated to look into this.

No further action required


2.7 LB, TS and BT to develop an implementation plan for section 5.3 of the E&E policy with the new E&E officer.

LB has met with past and new E&E committee. LB and AP have gone through the policy and are meet with TS to go over this.

ACTION: AP to feedback implementation plan of E&E policy at the next committee meeting.


2.8 LB, TS and BT to take E&E plans to Simon Kemp and Julia Kendal for the university.


LB noted that this will be done in the next academic year during regular meetings with the University.

No further action required


2.9 Ongoing: PD to follow up with Jo who prepares the report for Commercial Managers to ensure point of clarity on section 5.3 of the E&E policy is included.


PD is not present at the meeting. This action has been left to follow up alongside the zone mandate.

No further action required


2.10 Ongoing: LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article)


This action has been left as food waste is one of AP’s priorities and will be looked at in a wider context next year

No further action required


2.11 BT to take support staff qualification idea to the staffing sub-committee.

2.12 LB to email a reminder to PD to check Fairtrade sales figures of the shop from Fairtrade Fortnight.

LB will follow this up and AP will report back on this at the next committee.


ACTION: Ongoing: LB to email a reminder to PD to check Fairtrade sales figures of the shop from Fairtrade Fortnight and AP will report at the next committee.


2.13 ongoing: LB to contact Paul Davie, Tech Manager following up from the confetti incident to highlight the importance of considering the environmental impact through risk assessment.

MN noted that after the Gradball confetti incident it is not likely that a similar incident will be repeated.

No further action required


2.14 ongoing: LB to contact Sam Filtness, Health and Safety Manager to clarify where environment impact fits into the risk assessment procedure

LB has left this for now as it is not a priority. LB is aware that there are environmental considerations within the risk assessment procedure but identifies that it should be considered at some point in the future.

No further action required


2.15 BT to contact to Tony Addison to investigate use of Union gazebo’s for the Sustainability Fayre

This has been sorted and 3 gazebos were used. MN has noted that facilities have invested in four more pop-up gazebos (2.25m) that facilities can put up and take down for events in the SU area.

No further action required


2.16 BT to contact university residents to organise the ethical living maps being put up in halls for Fresher’s week.

ACTION: Ongoing: BT to contact university residents to organise the ethical living maps being put up in halls for Fresher’s week.


2.17 BT to contact Tony Addison to discuss storage for Shift Your Stuff from the 8th May

This has been sorted. Items are being stored in Highfield Bar

No further action required


2.18 LB to set up a meeting with MN and the new Environment Manager.

The new Environment Manager has been busy and concentrating on IS14001. This is an audit of the Environmental Management System. MN asked if the Union is part of this. LB noted that the auditors will usually come round and have a chat with some Union staff.

ACTION: Ongiong: LB to set up a meeting with MN and the new Environment Manager.


2.19 LB to contact Caroline Couch to find out the progress of food waste reduction in SUSU and across the University.

This action has been left as food waste is one of AP’s priorities and will be looked at in a wider context next year

No further action required


2.20 LB to discuss idea of Gum Bins with the new Environment Manager

The University do not think that gum is a big enough problem to invest in Gum Bins. MN noted that the Union does have a gum problem and signs have had to go up in the male toilets about this. JK mentioned that the university felt it would take too long to fill up a gum bin and that the transport costs would mean it wouldn’t be effective. MN asked that we need a Union only quote for gumdrop to see if it would be cost effective to use just in union buildings. MN also notes that the costs roughly equate to £40 a year per bin. MN identified that the union would need university agreement to put the bins in outside areas but within buildings would be fine.


ACTION: BT to get a quote for gumdrop for 15-20 bins for the union only and discuss the idea further with MN and TA.


2.21 BT to notify the head of university estates about the Gum Bins idea

The University do not think that gum is a big enough problem to invest in Gum Bins.

No further action required

Action Ongoing: BT will update on the status of gender neutral titles in the student records system when the University provide an update (Beckie Thomas)
Action ACTION: Ongoing: BT to contact Ros Collins about gender neutral titles in the student records system (Beckie Thomas)
Action ACTION: TS to talk to Wild to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement. (Tori Simkin)
Action Ongoing: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee (Beckie Thomas)
Action Ongoing: BT to feed back to Zone Committee about the potential staff and/or student travel policy when there are any developments on progress. (Beckie Thomas)
Action AP to feedback implementation plan of E&E policy at the next committee meeting. (Amy Paraskeva)
Action Ongoing: LB to email a reminder to PD to check Fairtrade sales figures of the shop from Fairtrade Fortnight and AP will report at the next committee. (Lydia Butler)
Action Ongoing: BT to contact university residents to organise the ethical living maps being put up in halls for Fresher’s week. (Beckie Thomas)
Action Ongiong: LB to set up a meeting with MN and the new Environment Manager. (Lydia Butler)
Action BT to get a quote for gumdrop for 15-20 bins for the union only and discuss the idea further with MN and TA. (Beckie Thomas)
3. E&E officer report & project update

LB provided an update on E&E. The ethical living map is being developed further; most of the organisations that will be present on the map have been decided. Marketing are creating the map at present and it should be ready in time for Fresher’s Fortnight. The first Shift Your Stuff day happened on the 11th June, the volunteers got through an estimated of 150 – 200 bags. LB has been starting the E&E handover with the new officer Amy Paraskeva. AP and LB are going over the current E&E policy and will be looking at the BEEs report to look at the ways that the policy can be implemented. It is hoped that KPI’s will be produced to ensure that there are positive outcomes and there is an action plan for the policy.


The fossil free policy passed in Union Council meaning that in future E&E officers need to take a positive route when talking to the university about ethical investment. The university are a lot more happy to look at ethical investment instead of divestment.

4. E&D officer report & project update

 SB provided an update on E&D. Union films showed a subtitled film screening of the new ‘Avengers’ film. This time attendees were asked to complete a form to get feedback on reasons for attending, an estimated 30 were filled in. The budget is being sorted with Union films at the moment and SB is looking to create an agreement with Union Films to ensure that subtitled films are screened in the future. E&D committee elected three new committee members and welcomed the new E&D officer Caitlyn Doyle. SB is going to look into the by-laws to ensure that all positions are still relevant and look into providing co-ordinator descriptions to better inform about the roles. This evening is the Student Life and Sustainability zones social to allow members involved in those zones to get to know each other, the officers and key SUSU staff. The #SotonSpeaksUp campaign & Good Night out campaign is still being developed with Solent Students’ Union.

5. VP Welfare update

BT sends her apologies and suggests that the committee read the VP Welfare final blog post to get an overview of the projects of the past year.


DMW has suggested that written updates should be a necessity for all sustainability zone committee meetings. The committee have agreed to try to provide written updates whenever possible in future.

6. BEES update

A written BEES update has been provided. TK also provided a verbal update. BEES audits have continued with a total of 22. The target number of audits is 24, one more audit is booked. Volunteer feedback on the project is being gained. There has been a student-led staff sustainability training which was well received by SUSU staff. The research assistant intern has been recruited and will be starting soon to look at creating a toolkit for the project. The funded project officially ends at the end of July, the final report and budgets need to be submitted by then.


MN asked about the sustainability training and if there are plans to repeat it in the future. MN suggested it could be sent round in a short powerpoint form to departmental managers to show to new starters (e.g. support staff). TK noted that there is the potential to roll to training out into several elements in the future. JK shared that the university is looking to refresh sustainability information in inductions and noted it may be beneficial to work together on this.


7. Discussion

7.1Sustainability Fayre Feedback

LB noted that the chocolate fountain went down well but was problematic when it came to dismantling and cleaning. TS noted that the message behind the Chocolate Fountain did not get across due to the lack of volunteers.

SB noted that there needed to be a greater message around the event. TS noted that there needed to be a bit more of an E&D focus. MN suggested calling it an ethical living fayre. SB noted that finding alternative wording for sustainability can be difficult but should be considered for next time.

MN noted that the event was well represented and attended but poorly advertised. TS noted that this has been addressed internally. LB noted that the event was a definite improvement over last year and hopefully will improve year on year. TS noted that the time of year was not ideal due to Grad Ball promotions and Exams.

TS noted that all external organisations who attend felt the event was well organised and would return however felt that attendance was not as high as they hoped.

LB noted that the smoothie bike went down really well with the students and as a result has got some quote for purchasing a smoothie bike. MN thinks that it may be possible to construct a smoothie bike ourselves from a left over back on campus through approaching a relevant society. JK suggested contacting unicycle.

ACTION: MN and AP to look into possibility of creating a smoothie bike e.g. through unicycle or a student society.

7.2 Fresher's Fortnight: Zone representation for mini bunfight at WSA

TS informed that each zone has been asked to have some representation at the WSA bunfight and also give information on setting up their own societies. LGBT society have a Winchester officer. MN suggested sending up a sustainability zone representative to have a display and represent the societies that fall under the sustainability zone with contact details of the relevant societies. SB suggested getting flyers and information from student societies and taking these up to the mini bunfight. MN suggested having a big display showcasing the societies in the board. TS suggested finding out if other societies have a WSA rep on the committee. MN noted that this could be an opportunity for getting WSA reps for existing societies or providing them with information to start their own equivalent societies. SB suggested that the Student Groups Rep should be in post by then and they should have a big role in supporting this.

7.3 Fresher's Fortnight: Zone representation for "What is SUSU?" event

The event is called ‘What is Your Union?’ and each zone is being asked to have an activity or interactive stand to represent the zone. It is happening at both Highfield and WSA during Fresher’s Fortnight. EC suggested using the smoothie bike (if we have one by then). The committee identified a smoothie bike would represent: healthy eating, healthy living, reuse, wellbeing and exercise, sustainable transport and procurement. LB suggested the bike could be decorated with sustainability related words and ask people if they can create a link between the words on the bike.  CD noted that E&D might be best represented as a separate idea/activity and members suggested that hand painting tends to work well. MN asked about if there is the potential rename the zone. SB noted that this is not likely to happen for another two years. JK suggested linking accessibility and equal access to the potential activity. SB noted that it would be beneficial to have a selection of activities promoting positivity around sustainability and how the individual can make a difference. MN noted that some stalls at the sustainability fayre focused on how small changes (on a daily basis) can collectively make a big difference. EC noted that during Make a Difference Day there were a selection of post-it notes with suggestions and ideas that people could take away e.g. buy a Fairtrade chocolate bar. LB noted that it is important to bring the E&D side into this as well and perhaps change the shape away from a leaf. MN noted the tree for E&D events could be called the ‘diversitree’. AP suggested that people could add to the tree but also take away ideas as well. SB mentioned that the activity could become interactive over social media by getting people to take photos of their actions and tweeting them. TS noted instead of leaves the paper could be fruit shaped. TS mentioned that it could be made so the individual does not know what action they are taking to encourage a variety of actions. EC noted the actions could be attached to a reward e.g. packet of haribo.


Action MN and AP to look into possibility of creating a smoothie bike e.g. through unicycle or a student society. (Amy Paraskeva, Michael Nash)
8. AOB

9.1 JK noted that she presented about the Ethical Map at a community event ‘Maptime’ and it was well received by the community.


9.2 MN noted it would be interesting to find out if the Union has a procurement policy that encompasses sustainability and if there is a process for purchasing from new suppliers. DMW responded that the Union uses the corporate critic programme. LB noted that the E&E Policy (section 5.3) acknowledges sustainable procurement and that LB and AP are looking into ensure the policy is embedded and relaunching Green Label in the shop. NM mentioned that the predecessor to his role (Facilities Manager) looked into setting something up in regards to sustainable procurement but cannot find any information on this. DMW suggested mandating the zone to put together a paper (including a set of guidelines) with Union Services about sustainable procurement to take to trustee board next year. LB noted that there has been some student feedback about signing up to campaigns e.g. Good Egg and MSC.


9.3 AP noted that a few members of the committee had a Freshers’ marketing meeting with the university and asked when that will be followed up. LB updated that the meeting consistent of a discussion about how the university and union can send a holistic message about sustainability and illustrate the partnership behind the projects. There needs to be clarity on the themes to convey to incoming students to take to the university communications department. The topics that recurred in the meeting were money and food. SB noted that the aim was to make sure it is relatable to incoming students. MN noted that messages such as the Eco-campus platinum award are not very well advertised to students and perhaps that this could be a theme of the marketing. LB noted that the university is updating the sustainability sections on the website. MN noted that one of the most important values of the union is inclusivity and enriching the lives of every student and this could be a theme. MN also noted that waste is something that should be tackled as soon as students arrive and reinforced. SB noted that information about recycling is included in the pre-sessional magazine and perhaps there is a place for it in the survival guide if it is happening this year. EC noted this will be going out to incoming students over the summer and a community and living guide going out to all students at the start of the new academic year. The latter will have a lot about living in the community and dealing with waste as it is different to living in halls of residence.


JK has access to the sustainability section of the ‘My Southampton’ app and need to make sure that key messages are included on that. SB noted it will be beneficial to have practical small action that individuals can do.


AP noted that food and money were chosen due to the behavioural change aspect. EC mentioned that travel would be a good theme to follow. SB noted that these messages also encompass aspects of Student Life Zone. CD noted that advocating messages about E&D can be difficult because it is about educating people and giving them the opportunity to explore new values in a social setting. It could be possible through written media such as leaflets but not everyone will read these or access this.


JK noted that in the initial meeting it was discussed using the idea of stories of their experiences. LB noted it could be centred around sustainability stories and have things about campus that link to these stories. LB noted there could be a campus storey e.g. about obtaining platinum Eco campus. JK noted that the students could then be asked to show their story. MN noted that this is showing someone a way of living and not telling them how to live with might be better received. LB noted that stories could be posted online through a blog and printed as posters around campus. TS noted that the stories could be through every medium and encourage people to use their creativity e.g. film or art. CD suggested using the student groups to do interviews or provide stories. LB noted that an important part of the message will be to allow individuals to realise what they are doing already to be sustainable. MN noted that this would be a good way of telling the union’s story about all the changes it is making to be sustainable. MN noted that this should be taken to senior staff. LB noted that this idea ties in well with the new university My Ambitions campaign and eventually over time could be linked together.


ACTION: SB to talk to Alana about the content of the Freshers’ Survival Guide and see if there is a place for information about waste and recycling (and potentially other areas e.g. inclusivity) in there.


ACTION: SB to meet with AP and CD to discuss the ‘sustainability stories’ idea for marketing sustainability to incoming students.


ACTION: JK to send SB the list of university communication channels.


Action SB to talk to Alana about the content of the Freshers’ Survival Guide and see if there is a place for information about waste and recycling (and potentially other areas e.g. inclusivity) in there. (Sam Bailey)
Action SB to meet with AP and CD to discuss the ‘sustainability stories’ idea for marketing sustainability to incoming students. (Sam Bailey)
Action JK to send SB the list of university communication channels. (Julia Kendal)
9. Date of next meeting is tbc

This is the last Zone Committee meeting of the 2014-2015 academic year

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)