
LGBTQ+ History Month Blog

You can help support LGBTQ+ people in just a few clicks!

The organisation ‘Ban Conversion Therapy’ has made it easy for you to find and email your MP, calling on them to support a ban on harmful conversion practices which is due to be discussed in Parliament on 1st March, 5 years after it was initially promised (1 2).

Follow this link to make a difference! Write to your MP — Ban Conversion Therapy

What is conversion therapy?

  • Conversion therapy is a form of abuse, that aims to ‘cure’ an LGBTQ+ person of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (3).
  • It is still legal in the UK. – It has significant, long-term negative effects on those subjected to it (4).
  • It is condemned by all major mental health and healthcare providers, including the NHS and the UK Council for Psychotherapy (4, 5, 6)
  • It is NOT gender-affirming therapy, transition treatments, or treatment to help an LGBTQ+ person explore their identity, with no predetermined aim (i.e. to change them) (7).

What is the government doing?

  • The ban was first promised in 2018 (1).
  • The government released a plan that excluded trans people (so it would still be legal to offer and subject trans people to conversion therapy). They then backtracked and the new proposals are inclusive of trans people (6).
  • A spokesperson for the government claimed that these extreme delays are because of complexities with this issue (1).
  • The ban is due to have its second reading in Parliament on 1st March, over half a decade since it was introduced.

Let’s get it done! Email your MP today!

If you have any experience of conversion therapy, or you are worried about someone, there is a dedicated national support hotline provided by Galop: www.conversiontherapysupport.org.uk

If you need more general support:

  • Switchboard provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through Instant Messaging. 
  • GLADD is the UK’s only organisation that unites and represents LGBTQ+ doctors, dentists, medical and dental students from all over the country.
  • University service: The Student Hub is your first point of contact when it comes to seeking support.