
Sports Pass: An Update

Sports Pass: An Update

We want to extend our thanks to everyone involved in this ongoing dialogue around the Sports Pass. Since the All-Student Vote in November 2023, which prompted discussions on lowering or removing the fees, your feedback and patience has been invaluable.

We’re pleased to announce that we have received 804 applications from students eligible for the partial refund.

Here’s a breakdown of the refund distribution per person:

Club Members

IM Members






Looking ahead, and following consultation with Club Captains/Presidents we’ve made strides in negotiations with Southampton Sport for the 2024-25 year.  Southampton Sport proposed a flat rate of £70, an invoice per booking option or different pricing for outdoor and indoor sports.  We agreed the flat rate was the most equitable and then successfully negotiated the Sports Pass cost down to a flat rate of £45. This reduced rate can now be paid in five monthly instalments of £9.50.

Moreover, the Sports Pass will be integrated into the price of the monthly “Plus” gym membership, providing flexible payment options to meet everyone’s needs. Whether you prefer to handle payments monthly or pay upfront, there are options to suit your preferences. The pass remains included in the annual gym membership next year.

The £45 fee is set for 2024-25, however, the following year’s price will adjust in line with inflation but will not exceed it. This is agreed for the next three years, but may be subject to change in exceptional circumstances which will be liaised with VP Sport, Club Captains and Presidents if necessary.  For example, a 5% inflation rate would adjust the Sports Pass cost to £47.25 in 2025-26.

While we celebrate this milestone, we acknowledge that other important issues need attention. To address this, we’ve introduced Sports Liaison Forums with the University aimed at resolving issues more efficiently and promptly.

Thank you once again for your continued patience and co-operation. Those who have applied and eligible for a refund will receive it in their banks no later than the end of June.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me vpsports@soton.ac.uk