Oliver Sangsari

Candidate for Senator

Photo of Oliver Sangsari

Key Points

  • A representative for students in Senate meetings
  • Pushing for further development of the Accreditation System
  • Better communication and transparency between the Senate and the Students
  • Clearer directions of assistance for Freshers througout 2024-2025
  • Continuing to hold the SUSU leadership accountable for their policies

Why vote for Oliver Sangsari?

Hi there; as a 2nd-year Politics and IR student, I am interested in experiencing how SUSU works from the inside. I am always eager to help others through many volunteering positions I have undertaken throughout my academic career to help others, either through Southampton Hub or partaking in committee roles within societies. This range of experience will allow me to provide a plethora of knowledge which I can use to represent the students in Senate meetings and look to hold both the VP Sports and VP Activities to their promises. I have seen many different experiences within the Highfield and Avenue campus, which allows me to share any issues that many students might have felt with the Sabbatical Officers. Upon being voted in, I plan to push for further development of the accreditation system that is currently in development, as well as to interact with the student community to gain insight into troubles that I can bring to Senate meetings. Finally, I wish to provide more assistance to freshers in the coming academic year, knowing that university can be troublesome if you are not aware of the multiple avenues of support facilities that all university students can access.