
Student Groups Committee (7th December 2015)


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Name of Committee Student Groups Committee
Date and time 7th December 2015, 16:00
Place The Board Room
Clubs and Societies Officer Catriona Philip
Team Southampton Sports Officer Katie Lightowler
Student Enterprise Officer Jamie Furlong
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Kerry Sclater
Creative Industries Zone Student Group Rep Samantha Standley
Performing Arts Student Groups Rep Rebecca Griffin
Student Communities Zone Student Group Representative Rebecca Lake
Education Zone Student Group Representative Michael Sims
Charities and Community Officer Charlotte Hodgson
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Sustainability Zone Student Group Representative Sam Guthrie
Invited Emily Harrison
1. Welcome and introduction
P 2. University of Southampton Students' Association (Adoption)
Anjit Aulakh

For the Committee to consider the adoption of "University of Southampton Students' Association" as a Union Group.

PF 3. Resource Allocation Procedure
4. Constitution changes
  1. Debating Society
  2. Shroinji Kenpo
  3. FilmSoc
  4. Southampton University Water Polo Club
5. Affiliations
  1. Portakabin Fever
  2. Genetics and Rare Diseases Society
  3. Southampton Forex Trading Society
  4. North American Society
  5. Tai Chi for Health Southampton
  6. Kazakh Society
  7. The Canadian Society
  8. Wrestling Club
  9. Paediatric Society
  10. Omani Students Society Southampton
  11. University of Southampton Cooking Society
  12. Languages Society
  13. Tea Society
6. Any other business
7. Date and time of the next meeting

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)