
Halls Committee (27th January 2016)


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Name of Committee Halls Committee
Date and time 27th January 2016, 17:00
Place Students' Union (SUSU)

26 voting members
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In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Introductions and Elections
1. Introductions
2. Resident Support Services (Ressup) Introduction
3. Bye-elections
Halls Community Finance
4. Explanation of funding, and the criteria set by the University
5. Breakdown and explanation of historic spend
6. Decision on what historic spend will be granted again for 2016
7. Decision on how to breakdown the remainder of grant
8. Formation of working group for writing the 'Funding Guidance' document
9. Explanation on how funding can be requested until the new system is in place
Social Media guidelines
10. Formation of working group to write 'Social Media guidelines'
Handover/ Team Building
11. Update on catch-up training
12. Is further handover required?
13. Ideas for a team building day/evening
14. Formation of working group to plan the team building event
Brand Review
15. Brand Review
Any Other Bussiness
16. Date of future Halls Committee Board meetings

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)