
Spring Elections Working Group (24th January 2014)


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Name of Committee Spring Elections Working Group
Date and time 24th January 2014, 12:00
Place Students' Union (SUSU)
Returning Officer Lorna Reavley
Deputy Returning Officer Evie Reilly
Voluntary Officer Fleur Walsh
Voluntary Officer Emily Dawes
Union Councillor David Gunns
Union Councillor Sophie Van Eetvelt
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Addition of online-only campaigning
P 2. Media pack contents

Last year's pack is attached. No changes are recommended; consideration might be given to the Surge option as this had no takeup last year.

3. Manifestos: word limit?

Should there be a word limit on manifestos?

4. Translated emails?
5. Staffing voting booths: rota
6. E-Choice & P-Choice Name

We would like to look for alternative names for eChoice and pChoice as they are somewhat ambiguous.

7. Sites provisions

What provision should we make for sites during elections? Currently, the plan is to have marketing crew going around sites with "mobile polling stations" on a timetable to be decided. How frequently does the Working Group think we should do this? Should we run candidates' trips to sites to co-incide with this work?

8. Budgets for Candidates

Expenditure is broken down into three categories: the media pack, SUSU funding and self-funding. Each has a maximum value of £30. We do not suggest any alterations to this. Improvements will be made to the budgeting system to require recpeits to be uploaded online, and reimbursements for candidates will be more efficient.

9. Events to create 'buzz' on campus

We would like to arrange events to be held during voting week to ensure that students' interest is maintained throughout the week.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)