
Student Groups Committee (29th October 2014)


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Name of Committee Student Groups Committee
Date and time 29th October 2014, 14:00
Place Meeting Room 1
Present Members
Nic Eldred
Charlotte Pollins
Clubs and Societies Officer Chris McGeehan
Jamie Hanna
Michael Sims
Performing Arts Officer Anna Kent - Muller
Katie Ng
Catriona Rawlins
Natalie Rowell
Jithin Mullappillil
Absent with Apologies Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Megan Downing

Actions and Decisions

Action Staff to speak to SKIP and inform them of support package options available to them Nic Eldred
Action Follow up on Sardines Society to ensure updated constitution is received. Katie Ng
Action Staff to put Southampton Projects Group in contact with Ellie Cawthera to discuss going forward with group. Nic Eldred
Action All Zone representatives to contact the groups listed in this paper which fall under their zone; find out if they are inactive, have 2014 committees or need to hold EGMs and advise them on this. Charlotte Pollins, Evan Whyte, Jamie Hanna, Michael Sims, Anna Kent - Muller, Catriona Rawlins, Natalie Rowell, Jithin Mullappillil
Decision The minutes from the meeting on 15th October were approved.
Decision SUSingers approved to change to Blue support package.
Decision Mountain Bike Club approved to change to Blue support package.
Decision Golf Club approved to change to Yellow support package.
Decision Wireless Society approved to change to the Creative Industries Zone.
Decision Combat Karate has been disaffiliated from SUSU.
1. Apologies and Attendance

Chris welcomed everyone to the first affiliation meeting for this year’s committee.

  • Apologies were received from Megan Downing.
  • Evan Whyte was absent without apologies.

Jade Head and Emily Shepherd were also in attendance.

2. Approval of minutes from last meeting (Wednesday 15th October 2014)

The minutes were approved by the committee.

*As the first student group had not arrived for their allocated time slot, Chris moved to Item 5: Zone Change Requests and Item 4: Support package changes.

Decision The minutes from the meeting on 15th October were approved.
3. Affiliations
  • Howard League for Penal Reform: This group did not attend the affiliation meeting and therefore were not affiliated.
  • Robogals: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 8 voted for. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the External Engagement Zone.
  • Southampton University Sarcastaball: It was decided that this group did not fulfil the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 7 voted against and 1 abstained. This group was not affiliated. The committee recommended that the student group come to a future affiliation meeting with detailed guidelines and rules for the game. The group were also advised to practice the game and perhaps get footage of them playing it which could then be used to support any future application.
  • Anza (previously applied under the name TEACH Africa): It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 5 voted for and 3 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the External Engagement Zone.
  • Southampton Saving Faces: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 7 voted for and 1 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the External Engagement Zone.
  • University of Southampton Guitar Society: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 7 voted for and 1 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the Creative Industries Zone with the possibility of also coming under Performing Arts. Staff confirmed that Amy Jewell is president of this groups committee as the webpage was unclear.
  • Southampton University Rounders Club: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 7 voted for and 1 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the Sports Development Zone. The committee asked if the student group would be happy to change their name to the ‘University of Southampton Rounders Club’; the group were happy with this change. Staff confirmed that Vivienne Reddick is president of this group as the webpage was unclear.
  • The Falconer: It was decided that this group did not fulfil the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 6 voted against and 2 abstained. This group was not affiliated. The committee recommended that the student group get in contact with Wessex Scene and The Edge to ensure that there would be no duplication of content. They advised that the president of the group should attend any future affiliation meeting.
  • Southampton University Electric Vehicles Society: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 7 voted for and 1 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the Sustainability Zone. The committee asked the student group to rename themselves ‘University of Southampton Electric Vehicles Society’; the group confirmed they were happy with this.
  • University of Southampton Quiz Society: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 6 voted for and 2 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the Creative Industries Zone.
  • Southampton Projects Group: It was decided that this group did not fulfil the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 6 voted against and 2 abstained. This group was not affiliated. As this group relates to the area of student enterprise, the committee advised the student group to meet with Ellie Cawthera (VP Engagement) to discuss legal implications of their group and how they should move forward with their idea.
  • The Freedom Association: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 5 voted for and 3 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the Sustainability Zone.
  • Sardines Society: It was decided that this group met the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 7 voted for and 1 abstained. This group was AFFILIATED and assigned to the Sports Development Zone. The committee asked the student group if they would consider changing their name as it currently appears restrictive to one type of game; the group wished to keep their name and will re-write their constitution to include other ‘wide games’ instead.
  • Soton University Sci Fi Industries: It was decided that this group did not fulfil the criteria outlined in Rule 11, section 2. Committee moved to a vote; 6 voted against and 1 abstained. This group was not affiliated. The committee recommended that the student group get in contact with the Engineering Society and ask to become a sub-group of that group.

As this concluded the student group affiliation section of the meeting, Chris continued with Item 6: Constitution changes.

Action Follow up on Sardines Society to ensure updated constitution is received. (Katie Ng)
Action Staff to put Southampton Projects Group in contact with Ellie Cawthera to discuss going forward with group. (Nic Eldred)
Any other business
4. Support Package changes
  •  SUSingers wish to change to Blue support package. The committee moved to a vote: For, 8 votes; Against, 0; Abstentions, 0. The committee approved this request.
  • SKIP wish to change to Blue support package. The supporting document attached to the request showed confusion over what was offered with the support packages; the committee decided that it would be in the interest of SKIP that a staff member speaks to them about the options they have available. The committee moved to a vote: For, 0; Against, 7 votes; Abstentions, 1.

  • Mountain Bike Club wish to change to Blue support package. The committee moved to a vote: For, 7 votes; Against, 0; Abstentions, 1. The committee approved this request.
  • Golf Club wish to change to Yellow support package. The committee moved to a vote: For, 7 votes; Against, 0; Abstentions, 1. The committee approved this request.

The first student group for affiliation had arrived and Chris moved back to Item 3: Affiliations.

Action Staff to speak to SKIP and inform them of support package options available to them (Nic Eldred)
Decision SUSingers approved to change to Blue support package.
Decision Mountain Bike Club approved to change to Blue support package.
Decision Golf Club approved to change to Yellow support package.
5. Zone changes
  • The Wireless Society wish to move from Education Zone to the Creative Industries Zone. The committee assessed their request to change zone. The committee moved to a vote: For, 8 votes; Against, 0; Abstentions, 0. The committee approved changing the zone allocation of the Wireless Society to the Creative Industries Zone.
Decision Wireless Society approved to change to the Creative Industries Zone.
6. Constitution changes
  • Student Minds/Mental Wealth have changed their name to Student Minds. Committee moved to a vote; 8 voted for. This change was approved.
  • Baseball and Softball have now merged into one group called Southampton Mustang Baseball and Softball Club. Committee moved to a vote; 8 voted for. This change was approved.
  • The University of Southampton Skating Club have changed their name to the University of Southampton Figure Skating Club. Committee moved to a vote; 8 voted for. This change was approved.
  • The Cyber Security Society have changed the position of Publicity Officer to Vice-President. Committee moved to a vote; 8 voted for. This change was approved.
  • Nepalis United at the University of Southampton have changed their objectives in their constitution. Committee moved to a vote; 8 voted for. This change was approved.
7. Groups to be disaffiliated

The committee members were reluctant to disaffiliate the student groups in the paper provided; some committee members explained that groups listed in this paper are active and have new committees for 2014 but have not updated their SUSU webpage.

Guy explained that Combat Karate have emailed and asked to be disaffiliated as they only have five active members.

Chris asked if the committee were happy to vote on disaffiliating only Combat Karate (as they have requested this) and adjourning the decision to disaffiliate the other groups until more information is known about whether or not they are active.

The Committee moved to a vote on whether or not to disaffiliate Combat Karate; 8 voted for. Combat Karate was disaffiliated.

The Committee moved to a vote on whether or not to adjourn the decision for the other listed groups; 8 voted for. The decision was adjourned.

Action All Zone representatives to contact the groups listed in this paper which fall under their zone; find out if they are inactive, have 2014 committees or need to hold EGMs and advise them on this. (Charlotte Pollins, Evan Whyte, Jamie Hanna, Michael Sims, Anna Kent - Muller, Catriona Rawlins, Natalie Rowell, Jithin Mullappillil)
Decision Combat Karate has been disaffiliated from SUSU.
8. Date of the next meeting

Chris would like to discuss the funding policy paper that was brought to the last Student Groups committee meeting. He asked that a meeting be arranged to take place after 11th November. Staff will look into arranging this.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)