
Student Communities Zone (19th September 2014)


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Name of Committee Student Communities Zone
Date and time 19th September 2014, 09:30
Place The Board Room
1. How the meetings will work
  1. Anjit thanked all for attending and said we need majority of people here to vote.
2. Who has sent apologies
  1. SL read the apologies and reminded everyone of the importance of sending apologies if they cannot make a meeting.
Matters Arising
3. Matters arising withing Student Communities
  1. Everyone on the committee introduced themselves.
4. Funding budgets
  1. The committee discussed the applications for funding.
International Students
5. Update

1. International students successfully finished their academic course. AA thanked KI and CW for all their hard work.

Post Graduates
6. Update
  1. Postgraduates – not much but there was a meeting with Jules Atkins and we will do a PGI network – partnership between SUSU and the University. We have had seminars in summer hols for post grads. Uni looking at a journal to use alongside this themed event/conference.
7. Update
  1. JCR training is all done and the T-shirts have been ordered. FM and AA meeting today. KT helping with moving days at WSA.
Students at Sites
8. Update
  1. Sites – WSA welcome weekend not going ahead as Uni of Southampton have pulled out. KI said there is now going to be a bus service and doing a shuttle service. 2 events every week at WSA which is better than last year.
Diversity Campaign and Culture
9. Update
  1. Diversity Campaign and Culture – SB had nothing to report but will provide updates next time. SB said Black History Month is October and is hoping that SUSU will help and asked if anyone has contacts to help then please get in touch. DA knows a few people in African soc to see what events they are running. KI said we need to help them out with any contacts we may have.
Mature Students
10. Update
  1. Mature students – We already have 18 attending the cake and coffee morning at The Bridge and they haven’t even started Uni yet. We have themed events for mature students eg murder mystery – Sarah Howard is president for mature soc. Sarah not a voting member but we can invite her along if the committee thinks this is a good idea. CM asked if they have a dedicated budget. AA said they have £1500 for the year. SB hoping to get an age coordinator.
Any other business
11. India Society application to funding

1. The committee discussed the India Society's application.

Next meeting
12. Committee to decide a date for next meeting

SL to email out members.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)